The Mayako Wiki page is a community driven knowledge base provided to collect information within one easy to use area for all Mayako users.
The Mayako Discord is a great tool to communicate with other passionate racers with lots of information shared. The wiki will store helpful tips from Mayako and members alike.
The most popular content is:
If you are on the Mayako Discord, please log in (top right) with your Discord credentials for more content.
MPC Members can log in to gain access to Members only pages.
If you would like to join the team behind the Wiki; be that writing your own content, or identifying useful information from the Discord server, contact either Scott Walker or David Baumann.
If you are an MPC member, you gain further information and pages on the wiki. First you must be on the Mayako Discord server, and then log into the wiki at the top right. Please use your Discord credentials to log into the Mayako wiki as the systems are linked.
How do I purchase a Mayako MX8?
There are many options on where to purchase an MX8 kit.
What options should I spec in my kit?
Mayako offers the unique opportunity to choose parts which are included in your kit (only available direct from the international store). If you are unsure what options to spec, you can see lots of information on the Interactive Setup Sheet page on the wiki.
Alternatively, you could spec your kit the same as the base regional kit:
How do I get access to the Mayako Discord?
All Mayako customers get access to the Mayako Discord server. If you purchase from Mayako directly, you will receive an invite in your order confirmation email.
If you have purchase a car from another source, your chassis will arrvie with a QR code. Scan this and it will take you to the the my.mayako page which will give you a link to the Discord server.
What is the the Mayako Performance Community membership?
The MPC memebrship is a way of giving behind the scenes access to those who believe in the Mayako project. Becoming a member for the year for $439 gives you unrivalled access to not only the people behind the brand, with monthly MPC meetings and regular discussions with Factory team drivers and Mayako, but allows you to purchase parts/cars not available to the public. You can purchase protoype vehicle (for example: MX8E) or members only items (for example: 3 piece hubs), some which will never be available to non-members.
The purpose of membership is to give those who are active racers and interested in the development of Mayako cars an opportunity to test parts before public release and have a platform to influence the direction of the car and brand.
Becoming a member also gives discounts on kits (MX8 from $500 for a customised members kit , instead $689 regional kit) and 20% discount on parts from our network of Service Centres.
My membership isn't showing on Mayako USA or Mayako EU
Mayako USA and Mayako EU are separate from the Mayako International store. The systems are different, so the accounts are not transferrable. You must register on each site to use them.
When registering on Mayako USA or Mayako EU for the first time, use the same email address as on the Mayako International store.
Your email address will then be recognised and membership permissions granted on Mayako USA/EU as required.